Manager Coaching Programme
Coaching Services
Coaching at Careerwell
We specialise in high impact coaching and our approach to coaching is detailed below. This is a style we have found to be successful. Coaching provides an ideal opportunity to individual clients, because of its external perspective, of discussing and “revealing” personal and career concerns, identifying a strategy for improvement and presenting the opportunity to implement changes. Achieved with the security of non-judgemental support which reflects back and suggests potential improvement to the actions implemented.

Manager Coaching Programme
We recommend a coaching contract that would commence with an initial “scoping” meeting with the CareerWell Director of Coaching, which provides the opportunity to assess which CareerWell coach would suit each client.
An introduction will then be made to the coach, and assuming a strong relationship is established and the chemistry is right then a coaching programme of 4 x 2 hour sessions would then follow and access to the coach is available between meetings by phone and e mail.
As part of the coaching contract it is likely that a suitable psychometric instrument or a 360 tool would be used with each client.
Our approach to coaching creates clarity between the often-unclear distinctions that surround the words, Coaching, Counselling and Mentoring. We may make use of various techniques, such as the GROW, OSKAR Solution Focus or Co-Active Coaching models in our coaching relationship and all coaches will work to the individual client’s agenda.
At CareerWell we believe coaching is a powerful process that enables individuals to increase their self-awareness, clarify priorities and goals, and supports them to achieve their full potential. It’s a voyage of personal discovery, skills development and behavioural change individually tailored to meet their specific goals and objectives.
Our Coaches
Our coaches are high impact individuals with Boardroom credibility and a personal career history that includes Private and Public Company leadership positions, a track record of successful coaching assignments and a strong passion and enthusiasm for people and organisations. We can submit some biographies of our coaches for your information but would stress that we would match the client with the most suitable of our coaches following the scoping meeting.
Benefits for the Organisation
- Provides Organisation strength
- Improves Customer service
- Increases retention of executives who received coaching
- Bottom-line profitability
- Allows fuller use of individual’s talents/potential
- Demonstrates commitment to individuals and their development
- Improves organisational performance and productivity
- Increased creativity, learning and knowledge
- Motivates people
- Facilitates the adoption of a new culture/ management style
- Improves relationships between people and departments
Benefits for Individuals
- Improves working relationships with direct reports
- Improves working relationships with immediate line management
- Improves and fosters teamwork
- Job satisfaction
- Conflict reduction
- Organisational commitment
- Working relationships with clients
- Improvement in individual’s performance, targets and goals
- Increases openness to personal learning and development
- Increases ability to identify solutions to specific work-related issues
- Instils greater ownership and responsibility
- Development of self-awareness
- Improvement of specific skills or behavior
- Provides the opportunity to correct behaviour and/or performance difficulties